Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October Enterance To Winter

October is the season of leaves turning their magnificent golds, rusty reds and pumpkin oranges. Nd it is also the doorway to celebrations:

Goblins running the streets on Halloween,
Bowing our heads in Thanksgiving,
Reverence to the birth of Christ,
Ending 2010 with remembrance,
Toasting in the New Year, 2012.

Make it a joyous time, surround yourself with loved ones, family and friends. Make memories that will last a lifetime. Take pictures. Send cards. Let go of the past, plan for the future, but live in the moment, for that is truly all that we have.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The in-between Month-AUGUST

The sun is out -- bright and warm ... berries on bushes wanting to be picked ... full heads of lettuce gleam waiting to be added to a crisp salad .. tomatoes are ripe and lush ... zucchinis are bright green ...

And what is waiting beside you, waiting to be implemented into your life? Knowledge of new eating plans? Courage to live today to it's fullest? A knowing attitude that life is full of wonderful surprises?

Are you ready, willing, and able to laugh at your mistakes? Forgive others? Let go of anger and hidden resentments?

As the old farmers adage goes, "Make hay while the sun shines". Take this day warm, bright and full of promise to bring a positive attitude the whole day through -- to all living things. Smile spread your warmth .. compliment yourself and everyone you come in contact with ... let your LOVE shine. And life will smile back , in kind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gratitude in July

July fourth brings forth many thoughts: The year 2011 in half over -- and July 4th is our nations celebration --

I for one am extremely grateful to be living in the United States; with all it's faults we are still the best nation in the world. And you as I enjoy personal freedom and a democrate government.

While it may feel that chaos surrounds us, in fact wuth the love of God and the ground under our feet, we are strong and steadfast.

So today I suggest each night as you lay your head onyour pillow, after giving thanks to God and your Angels for guarding, guiding and protecting you this day, recite 10 things you are thankful for ... thus resting in the comfort of gratitude and the grace of all that is holy.

Friday, June 17, 2011


There are no do overs in life .. yes, you can start anew .. strike a different path .. change directions .. but we do not have an eraser in our time machine. So it is imparitive to live with intention.
Every now and then a breathe comes through -- and I think -- I wish I could have my old life back -- back that doesn't work either. We must plow forward with direction, purpose and intention to make this phase count and be memorable. Every new day only be a memory tomorrow -- and I pray for you and me it will be pleasant and make us smile.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Take this moment in your internal self -- the Spiritual -- Soul Self.

Just as the farmer knows if you plant potatoes, you get potatoes, plant seeds for petunias, you WILL get petunias.

So take this hypothesis into your life. Reflect on what you want your personal garden to produce. Whether it be understanding and compassion for your friends and family or forgiveness for past mistakes and judgments in your life.

The approach is the same. Sit quietly, close your eyes take a deep breath, and ask your Higher Self to be present, join with that feeling, and state what your want to have in your life. And now reflect on that, feel it, savor it, see and know that request has been fulfilled the seeds are planted.

Nothing else is required, except, some daily reflection which would equate to watering. Do not lift the seeds up and see if they are sprouting, know in your heart the growth has begun. This is the truth behind, "you reap what you sow".

If you need compassion and understanding, take time to listen to others, really listen not only with your ears but with your heart.

If you have regrets in your life release them and fill that void with visions of your tomorrows. Smile and know that God loves you, your Higher Self is always with you, and your Angel's always sing your praises.